Trust & privacy by design
No spying or tracking of customers
No sharing of customer locations, devices or browser information and no storing or distributing of profiling data. A personal, enjoyable experience that rebuilds trust and brand loyalty.
Fill in your info and we’ll get in touch to give you all the details around Motive and help you create the plan that best suits your online shop.
Trust & privacy by design
No sharing of customer locations, devices or browser information and no storing or distributing of profiling data. A personal, enjoyable experience that rebuilds trust and brand loyalty.
Beautiful search experiences
Engaging and customisable design with instant, relevant results so that your customers find what they’re looking for and keep coming back for more.
Plug & Play
A ready to use, out-of-the-box solution. No coding or complicated configuring. Simply connect, set-up and go.
Control panel
Search insights, analytics and easy-to-use tools, all accessible from one central panel so you can personalise and fine tune your shop’s search experience.